Monday, January 24, 2011

First letter from Srey!

Wow in less then a week I had my first e-mail from Srey. And six pictures were attatched! She is a little doll! Here is her e-mail!

Dear Lisa,
How are you getting on? I am doing well and feeling very happy to know that you are sponsoring me. That is great news and thank you for choosing me. My mail translator told me what a sponsor is so that makes me happier. I cannot write in English or Khmer yet but my mail translator here will help me to write to you and I just say out what I want to tell or talk to you in Khmer.
I am very pleased to tell you about my life before I came into CCF family and I also have a picture for you with my mother.
My name is Sin Srey Neth and you can call me Srey Neth. I was born on 14th July 2002 and I have three brothers and two sisters. I am the fourth child in the family. My parents got married in 1993 in Kampong Som province and have three children, but they divorced in 2000. Two months later, my mother had a new husband and they have three children.
My new family moved to Stoeung Meanchey, the big old garbage dumpsite in Phnom Penh, where my step-father and mother work as garbage scavengers. My family was really poor and it was always hard to feed the many children in the family. At night my step-father went to pick through the garbage for things to sell and during the day time he stayed at home to take care of the children while my mother worked on the dump.
My step-father sometimes suffered from malaria too. To make things worse, he could be aggressive and liked to drink. At home I like to look after my sister and brother and play with my neighboring friends. I also help my Mom to do some housework like cleaning dishes and sweeping dirt on the ground.
Seeing that I was in need of education and good care, my second sister, Teng Chantrea, who is staying and learning in CCF2, decided to ask the facility manager and Scott if she could take me to stay and learn in CCF2. It was lucky for me that I was offered an interview and was able to pass. I felt happy to become a part of CCF’s family.
I feel that I am very lucky to have a great chance to study at CCF and public school. I am really enjoying my new life here and learning new things like computer, English, painting, home economics and Khmer Traditional Dancing. I really love my computer and English classes as I could practice with computer and it is fun to play game with typing and so on.

In my English class there are nice colorful chairs and tables and interesting decorations on the wall so I am always happy to have this class. I can count from A-Z and right now I am studying about Jolly Phonics English Sounds.
Before going to public school, all my friends and I have to line up and listen to our names to be checked and then there is a staff accompanying us to school. My school is called Sorla Primary School, which is not far from CCF2, where I am staying. I go there on foot and I always have fun with friends on the way back and forth. I love all subjects and always try hard in my studying.

Becoming a CCF’s family, I have many friends and we all have very good rapport. My good friends are Malita and Srey Oun. . Here is a picture of me and my friends and it was taken during the party on the 24th December 2010.

I don’t know what I want to be in the future yet but the important thing that I know is that trying hard in school. Schooling is rewarding!
I really want to know about you so could you please tell me about yourself? When is your birthday? Where do you live? What are your favorite things to do when you have free time? I want to see your pictures too.
I love you and would like to say thank you again.
I wish you have a great New Year and hope to hear from you soon.
Srey Neth

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